Blog tagged as Tax Specialists

Government superannuation contributions to be added to paid parental leave   
In an initiative to promote women’s economic equality, the Labor government has announced plans to pay superannuation on paid parental leave (PPL) for government-funded payments from 1 July 2025.
RBizz Team
06/04/2024 03:09 PM - Comment(s)
The ABCs of bookkeeping
Why is good bookkeeping so vital for your financial management? We’ve got some top hacks for maximising your bookkeeping, and the options for outsourcing this job to the professionals.
RBizz Team
05/04/2024 05:04 PM - Comment(s)
Are you hiring the best talent for your business culture?
Are you hiring the best talent for your business culture? We’ve summarised 5 ways to make sure your next hire is a perfect fit for the business.
RBizz Team
04/04/2024 03:35 PM - Comment(s)
Your guide to claiming working from home expenses for 2023–24 income year
Tax time 2024 is fast approaching and with many individuals still working from home partially or completely, this quick guide can assist you with completing the calculations for claiming the deduction.
RBizz Team
28/03/2024 02:52 PM - Comment(s)
FBT record-keeping simplification - determinations finalised
As per amended legislation, from 1 April 2024, the Commissioner will allow utilising adequate alternative records holding all the prescribed information, instead of statutory evidentiary documents for FBT record keeping purposes.
RBizz Team
24/03/2024 05:51 PM - Comment(s)
Review your business expenses – and save
Need to cut your business expenses? We’ll review your current costs, find the expenses that could be cut, and will provide a proactive spend management programme to reduce your spending.
RBizz Team
03/02/2024 05:10 PM - Comment(s)
Tax deductions to be denied for interest charged by the ATO
The Federal Government announced in the 2023–24 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) that amendments will be introduced to deny deductions for ATO interest charges, incurred on or after 1 July 2025.
RBizz Team
23/01/2024 03:15 PM - Comment(s)
Changes proposed for DGR status and charitable giving rules
The Productivity Commission released a draft report reviewing philanthropic giving in Australia and recommending various reforms
RBizz Team
19/01/2024 02:34 PM - Comment(s)
R&D tax incentive claims — ATO flags questionable arrangements
The ATO has released 2 taxpayer alerts flagging incorrect R&D tax offset claims where expenditure is incurred by associated entities or activities are conducted overseas for foreign related entities.
RBizz Team
15/01/2024 09:33 PM - Comment(s)
ATO guidance on employee vs contractor debate updated
Updated ATO guidance means you need to understand whether your contract for services are to an employee or an independent contractor. Getting it right can save you significant hassles and penalties.
RBizz Team
05/01/2024 01:47 PM - Comment(s)
Large superannuation balances will have tax concession removed
The federal government has tabled draft legislation to change tax concessional treatment of very large super account balances from 1 July 2025. Individuals with over $3 million in super will be affected.
RBizz Team
04/01/2024 10:40 PM - Comment(s)
Payroll tax updates for medical practices
Given the high risk of payroll tax audits across the medical and allied health industry, organisations must understand and adapt to the changing payroll tax landscape.
RBizz Team
28/11/2023 04:04 PM - Comment(s)
Safe harbour for applying prior year deferred losses extended
PCG 2022/1 allows a safe harbour for taxpayers to apply prior year non-commercial loses to reduce other assessable income, otherwise prevented by div 35 of ITAA 1997.
RBizz Team
24/11/2023 11:07 PM - Comment(s)
Contractor Rules for Medical and Allied Health Practices and Payroll Tax
If your medical practice pays contractors, you could be caught by tax laws that deem some contractor payments the same as wages. Talk to us today for guidance on what to include and exclude so you don't get surprised by a state payroll tax audit.
RBizz Team
20/11/2023 02:13 PM - Comment(s)
ATO finalises guidance on the deductibility of costs relating to holding vacant land
The ATO has finalised the taxation ruling TR 2023/3, which provides guidance on the deductibility of expenses associated with holding vacant land.
RBizz Team
29/09/2023 03:36 PM - Comment(s)
Your business may be selected for ATO’s PAYG withholding compliance test
A lodgment reminder pilot program has been announced by the ATO, for 3,000 randomly selected employers - PAYG withholding amounts reported by them via STP will automatically become payable as at due date even if no activity statement is lodged.
RBizz Team
25/09/2023 06:43 PM - Comment(s)
Small Business Instant Asset Write-Off This Financial Year
Are you looking to purchase assets for your business? Eligible businesses can spend up to $20k per asset and immediately claim the tax deduction and GST. Talk to us about the best strategy for purchasing business assets.
RBizz Team
30/08/2023 01:37 PM - Comment(s)
Small business instant asset write-off - deduction threshold set to increase
A bill proposing to increase the instant asset write off threshold in Div 328 of ITAA 1997 from $1,000 to $20,000 has been introduced in the Parliament and awaits approval.
RBizz Team
22/08/2023 10:45 PM - Comment(s)
Principal purpose of a commercial vehicle to determine application of Luxury car tax
The ATO has finalised the luxury car tax (LCT) determination LCTD 2023/1 which provides guidance on determining the principal purpose of a commercial vehicle for LCT purposes.
RBizz Team
14/08/2023 02:00 PM - Comment(s)
Top 10 Tax Saving Tips for Salaried Aussies
Maximize your tax refund! Get the top 10 tax saving tips for salaried Australians. Learn how to implement effective strategies & take advantage of deductions & credits!
RBizz Team
03/07/2023 01:53 PM - Comment(s)