
Payday super to change how businesses pay their super
Aiming to provide better retirement outcomes for employees, from 1 July 2026, employers will be required to pay their employees super at the same time as their salary and wages.
RBizz Team
16/10/2023 05:31 PM - Comment(s)
ATO finalises guidance on the deductibility of costs relating to holding vacant land
The ATO has finalised the taxation ruling TR 2023/3, which provides guidance on the deductibility of expenses associated with holding vacant land.
RBizz Team
29/09/2023 03:36 PM - Comment(s)
Your business may be selected for ATO’s PAYG withholding compliance test
A lodgment reminder pilot program has been announced by the ATO, for 3,000 randomly selected employers - PAYG withholding amounts reported by them via STP will automatically become payable as at due date even if no activity statement is lodged.
RBizz Team
25/09/2023 06:43 PM - Comment(s)
Small Business Instant Asset Write-Off This Financial Year
Are you looking to purchase assets for your business? Eligible businesses can spend up to $20k per asset and immediately claim the tax deduction and GST. Talk to us about the best strategy for purchasing business assets.
RBizz Team
30/08/2023 01:37 PM - Comment(s)
Small business instant asset write-off - deduction threshold set to increase
A bill proposing to increase the instant asset write off threshold in Div 328 of ITAA 1997 from $1,000 to $20,000 has been introduced in the Parliament and awaits approval.
RBizz Team
22/08/2023 10:45 PM - Comment(s)
Principal purpose of a commercial vehicle to determine application of Luxury car tax
The ATO has finalised the luxury car tax (LCT) determination LCTD 2023/1 which provides guidance on determining the principal purpose of a commercial vehicle for LCT purposes.
RBizz Team
14/08/2023 02:00 PM - Comment(s)
Claiming your bonus deduction for technology investment in the 2022–23 tax return
The small business technology investment boost wrapped up on 30 June 2023. For your 2022–23 tax return, we will be working with you to ensure you get the full bonus deduction that you are entitled to. Work through your next steps here.
RBizz Team
18/07/2023 02:13 PM - Comment(s)
Top 10 Tax Saving Tips for Salaried Aussies
Maximize your tax refund! Get the top 10 tax saving tips for salaried Australians. Learn how to implement effective strategies & take advantage of deductions & credits!
RBizz Team
03/07/2023 01:53 PM - Comment(s)
Navigating the Tax Maze: Compliance Challenges for Australian Medical Practices
Australian medical practices face tax compliance risks including misclassifying employees, incorrectly reporting fringe benefits, income tax complexities, GST liabilities, and inadequate superannuation contributions. The ATO Professional Firms Guidelines govern professional profit distribution.
RBizz Team
23/06/2023 05:34 PM - Comment(s)
Fringe Benefits Tax and Business
Do you offer your employees benefits in addition to salary and wages? If so, you may need to report FBT. Fringe benefits can help employees reduce their taxable income but you need to take care of the admin. Get in contact to learn more.
RBizz Team
20/06/2023 05:06 PM - Comment(s)
Avoiding Compliance Issues with the ATO: Common Mistakes for Doctors Running Businesses through Companies or Trusts
Discover common compliance issues faced by doctors running businesses through companies or trusts and learn how to avoid them. Stay compliant with the ATO to ensure smooth operations and financial success.
RBizz Team
20/06/2023 03:38 PM - Comment(s)
5 challenges for small business - and how to beat them!
Want to know how to beat the most common business challenges? We’ve highlighted five common challenges and the simple ways to overcome them.
RBizz Team
18/06/2023 04:12 PM - Comment(s)
Prepare for Finalising Single Touch Payroll
Prepare now for finalising STP payroll data by 14 July. Book a time with us today to check essential employee information, verify the numbers and confirm payroll categories are linked to the correct reporting fields before lodging with the ATO.
RBizz Team
15/06/2023 04:01 PM - Comment(s)
Upcoming changes to NALI provisions
Recent updates have been announced to the non-arm's length income (NALI) provisions applying to SMSFs.
RBizz Team
12/06/2023 04:31 PM - Comment(s)
Which business expenses can you claim against tax?
Want to cut your business costs? We’ve highlighted the business expenses that can (and cannot) be claimed against your ATO tax bill.
RBizz Team
08/06/2023 04:23 PM - Comment(s)
Get set for a minimum wage increase
Get set for a minimum wage increase effective July 2023
RBizz Team
05/06/2023 03:18 PM - Comment(s)
Lump sum payment in arrears to be exempt from Medicare levy
Lump sum payments in arrears may get an exemption from Medicare levy in limited situations.
RBizz Team
04/06/2023 05:02 PM - Comment(s)
Temporary full expensing is due to end soon – your tax deduction guide
As the end of the financial year approaches, the temporary full expensing rules will be coming to an end. Considering this, we explore the options that are now available for small and medium businesses to optimise their tax deductions.
RBizz Team
25/05/2023 05:41 PM - Comment(s)
Tax changes for build-to-rent accommodation
Investors in build-to-rent accommodation will benefit from an increase to the capital works deduction from 9 May 2023. Call us if you want to find out more.
RBizz Team
22/05/2023 04:55 PM - Comment(s)
Keeping your business cash liquid – the difference between cashflow and profit
Do you know the difference between profits and cash flow? We’ll help you understand why cash is king and how to improve your cash flow management AND profitability
RBizz Team
16/05/2023 03:18 PM - Comment(s)