Blog tagged as People

Are you hiring the best talent for your business culture?
Are you hiring the best talent for your business culture? We’ve summarised 5 ways to make sure your next hire is a perfect fit for the business.
RBizz Team
04/04/2024 03:35 PM - Comment(s)
FBT record-keeping simplification - determinations finalised
As per amended legislation, from 1 April 2024, the Commissioner will allow utilising adequate alternative records holding all the prescribed information, instead of statutory evidentiary documents for FBT record keeping purposes.
RBizz Team
24/03/2024 05:51 PM - Comment(s)
The art of networking: techniques for becoming a great networker
Networking is a great way to connect with your industry peers and become an asset to your local business community. We’ve got some top hacks for getting the most from your networking.
RBizz Team
12/02/2024 04:14 PM - Comment(s)
ATO guidance on employee vs contractor debate updated
Updated ATO guidance means you need to understand whether your contract for services are to an employee or an independent contractor. Getting it right can save you significant hassles and penalties.
RBizz Team
05/01/2024 01:47 PM - Comment(s)
Your business may be selected for ATO’s PAYG withholding compliance test
A lodgment reminder pilot program has been announced by the ATO, for 3,000 randomly selected employers - PAYG withholding amounts reported by them via STP will automatically become payable as at due date even if no activity statement is lodged.
RBizz Team
25/09/2023 06:43 PM - Comment(s)
Top 10 Tax Saving Tips for Salaried Aussies
Maximize your tax refund! Get the top 10 tax saving tips for salaried Australians. Learn how to implement effective strategies & take advantage of deductions & credits!
RBizz Team
03/07/2023 01:53 PM - Comment(s)
Prepare for Finalising Single Touch Payroll
Prepare now for finalising STP payroll data by 14 July. Book a time with us today to check essential employee information, verify the numbers and confirm payroll categories are linked to the correct reporting fields before lodging with the ATO.
RBizz Team
15/06/2023 04:01 PM - Comment(s)
Get set for a minimum wage increase
Get set for a minimum wage increase effective July 2023
RBizz Team
05/06/2023 03:18 PM - Comment(s)
2023 Federal Budget - Social security measures announced
A number of social security measures have been announced in the 2023 Federal budget to help Australians combat current inflation and cost of living expenses pressures.
RBizz Team
15/05/2023 05:47 PM - Comment(s)
Electric vehicles home charging expenses — compliance guideline
ATO has released a draft compliance guideline to address compliance challenges faced by taxpayers when separately identifying home charging costs for electric vehicles from the total electricity consumption of a household.
RBizz Team
20/04/2023 12:16 PM - Comment(s)
Super Guarantee Rate Rises in July to 11%
The super guarantee rate will rise in July this year to 11%. Have you calculated the extra cost to your business? This rate increase may also affect salary packages. Talk to us now to start preparing for the changes, so you don't get caught out.
RBizz Team
18/04/2023 04:39 PM - Comment(s)
More information released on the removal of tax concessions for large superannuation balances
The federal government has announced its intention to change tax concessional treatment of very large super account balances from 1 July 2025. Individuals with over $3 million in super will be affected.
RBizz Team
20/03/2023 01:05 PM - Comment(s)
Are You Suffering from Business Burnout?
Are you feeling burned out from your business? There are some simple strategies to regain enthusiasm. Talk to us about how we can relieve the stress by managing systems, tech, payroll or other financial administration. We'll back your recovery.
RBizz Team
19/12/2022 05:40 PM - Comment(s)
Increasing income thresholds to the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
A measure contained in the October 2022 Federal Budget may give you an entitlement on the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card. Find out if you'll become eligible.
RBizz Team
19/12/2022 04:56 PM - Comment(s)
Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave – New Entitlement Rules
Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave becomes an entitlement for employees in 2023. All employees (including casuals) can access this leave type from day one of employment, so talk to us to start planning for changes to payroll provisions and costs.
RBizz Team
18/12/2022 05:39 PM - Comment(s)
The Secure Jobs and Better Pay Bill - How will it affect your business?
The new 'Secure Jobs, Better Pay' Bill 2022 brings major changes to employment laws. While most of the changes roll out over the next 6-12 months, some take effect now. Talk to us about reviewing your HR documents.
RBizz Team
16/12/2022 03:33 PM - Comment(s)
The importance of having a business coach
Want to achieve your true potential as a business owner? Business coaching helps you review, analyse and enhance your business strategy, while providing a highly personal mentoring programme for you as an entrepreneur.
RBizz Team
08/12/2022 03:31 PM - Comment(s)
Digital Payroll for Your Agribusiness
Are you managing your farm’s payroll on paper or spreadsheets? The FWO and ATO are actively investigating agribusiness payroll records. Talk to us about getting a digital system that will save time and money and make payroll record keeping a breeze.
RBizz Team
04/12/2022 05:16 PM - Comment(s)
Christmas Parties and Presents - and Tax!
Christmas Parties and Presents - and Tax!
RBizz Team
03/12/2022 05:10 PM - Comment(s)
Fringe Benefit Tax at Christmas Time
Are you aware of fringe benefits you are offering at Christmas time?
RBizz Team
02/12/2022 05:05 PM - Comment(s)